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Words of Inspiration:

Please share your own comment below...


"Aliyah's class was a very heart opening experience for me. I have always faced insecurities about my body's ability to adapt to yoga postures, but in Aliyah's class I didn't feel any insecurities at all. Aliyah guided me in a personal and caring way. For her it is much more about postures and flexibility, she brings in a very deep and spiritual vibration to her practice. She is very attuned to a higher practice of spirit and mind, not just body. It was a very uplifting experience to learn from her."

~ Julie Quillen ~ 

"I had the pleasure of following Aliyah in an unconventional silent yoga session very soon after she earned her certification. It took only but a minute to know she was well on her way to being a world class yoga teacher. She has an energy and grace that comes incredibly natural, perfect for this practice. It, and she, are beautiful"."

~ Becky Fromm~ 

"Aloha- I have attended Aliyah's yoga class several times and found her to be an exceptionally competent teacher. I enjoyed the pace of her classand the variety of styles she has implemented, resulting in an unhurried, relaxed but challenging workout. Aliyah is a natural teacher with a great presencewho inspires with her gifts. I highly recommend her!"



~David Nouskajian~ 

Aloha-What makes Aliya's yoga class unique from others are two things. The way she blends yoga, pilates, classic stretching and herawareness to not over stretch the body, which can lead to injuries.I recommend Aliya's class to all.Valerie Simmons



~David Nouskajian~ 

To every one of us!

To every one of us!

“I believe that you're great, that there's something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly, there's something that is within you, there's power within you, that's greater than the world... It will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence, if you let it. Now, that is what I know for sure.” ~ Michael Beckwith ~

Only as high as I reach can I grow!

Only as high as I reach can I grow!

Be the one to make your dreams come true!

The Inner Child

The Inner Child

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” ~ George Bernard Shaw ~



"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." ~ The Bhagavad Gita ~



"Only the present moment contains life." ~ Thích Nhất Hạnh ~



“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” ~ Albert Einstein ~



"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort but where he stands at times of challenge and discovery." ~ Martin Luther King ~

Stay positive!

Stay positive!

“Each positive thought, every vibrant attitude, all purposeful activities water the seeds for success along your path. You will encounter many seeds for success today. Pay attention to these and feed them appropriately. Then maintain their beautiful growth through conscious self-care.” ~ Rebecca Gordon ~

Revolutionary Thinking

Revolutionary Thinking

"The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." ~ William James ~



"The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become, the stronger you become, and the happier you become." ~ Gisele Bundchen ~

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